The 3RD sign in the Zodiac and is associated with youth and versatility.
The third sign in the Zodiac and is associated with youth and versatility. Its polar opposite is Sagittarius. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a sociable, fun-loving, versatile, cunning, lively, communicative, liberal, intelligent, mentally active and friendly character but also moodiness, nervousness, inconsistency, superficiality, restlessness, immaturity and laziness.
Main stone: Citrine
Gemini is an explorer, adept at gathering information and experimenting with different possibilities. This sign of the Twins is intelligent, adaptable, and bored easily. Gemini is an inquisitive sign that thrives in mental and social spaces.
If you were born from May 21 – June 20 you are a Gemini.
Your Sun Stone is Agate
There are many beautiful agates. The Gemini’s Sun Stone, Agate comes from many places in the world and new ones are always being found. You are indeed fortunate. You have many beautiful stones to chose from to celebrate the time of your birth.
The Sun is in Gemini when the Earth is approaching summer. This sign is also known as the Sign of the Inventor and its symbol depicts twins. The constellation Gemini is seen as twins side by side in the sky. Gemini is closely associated with the planet Mercury.
People who are born under Gemini can see both sides of an issue. Their moods can change quickly because they can adapt to new settings. These people are very flexible and go with the flow. They can be very lively and talkative or restless and nervous depending on their setting.
Those born when the Sun is in Gemini are quick thinkers, quick-witted, and quick on their feet. They are naturally curious and clever. If they are not occupied or interested in something then they get extremely bored and start fidgeting. They are up for any kind of game. Any time, any where – they are ready to play.
The Gemini Sun Stone, Agate figures prominently in recorded history, and has been prized as long as we have records. Agates when worn by those born when the Sun is in Gemini have the ability to attract strength, and they offer protection from bad dreams.
If you are a Gemini, wear agate when you feel stressed or pressured. It will help you deal with the stress, and it will calm you, letting you know that “this will pass” and things will get better.
Agates also are used for forgiveness, protection, strength and courage. They also are especially helpful in building self esteem.
The other Chalcedony stones are also associated with Gemini. The ancient peoples could not tell them apart. They called all the Chalcedony stones “agates.” It is only in modern times when we have separated them.
So really chalcedony and agates are associated with Gemini. There are many beautiful chalcedony stones that can be Gemini Birthstones.
Carnelians are reddish, transparent to translucent crystals.
The opaque variety, Jasper comes in many colors.
Onyx is black with white banding.
Tiger's Eye and Hawk’s Eye are beautiful.
Chrysoprase is apple green.
Flint also comes in both uniform and banded colors.
All are wonderful birthstones for those of you lucky enough to be born when the Sun is in Gemini.
There are also some newly discovered stones that are starting to be associated with Gemini. One beautiful one is Harlequin Quartz