Rich Witch Hat Crystal
Rich Witch Hat Crystal
Rich Witch Hat Crystal
Have a lot of titles? Well HEAL YEAHH we found the perfect keepsake crystal for you!! Sit this on your desk, at home, or keep it in your purse to remind you to take it easy. You have a lot of things going on and sometimes you need to be reminded you are doing great!
You wear manyy hats! Be it mother, Big sister, wife, girlfriend, head of household, or even witch! Guess what?! This is even ideal for your Halloween décor or alter!
If you're advanced, you can even add them to your crystal grid for an extra energy boost!
Size Approximately 2" x 1.6"
Please Note: This item is for one (1) piece, and the photo is an example of the product that will be intuitively chosen specifically for you. The size, color, and form of natural items varies. All crystal healing applications and metaphysical definitions are presented for educational purposes. Healing crystals are spiritual aids to healing and should not be used in place of traditional medical care.
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